Vestry News & Notes
St. Patrick’s Vestry meets on the third Thursday of each month, and faithfully stewards the ministries and resources of our parish. Meeting minutes are available in the church office. Find summaries of Vestry action and recent meeting minutes below.
Notes from our January 16, 2025 meeting:
• The Rev. Wren Blessing thanked the outgoing members of the vestry: Bart Cox, Ronnie VanAtta, Sherry VanAtta, Todd Holman, Chris Clayton, and Mary Rose.
• Larry Walton reviewed the year-end balance sheet and operational budget for 2024 and noted that we aren’t receiving enough money in non-restricted pledges to cover our basic operating costs.
• Linda Williams is working to set up the parish hall foyer to accommodate different groups.
• The vestry approved a motion to accept the 2025 budget as presented by Larry Walton, to include any minor corrections or adjustments and to designate any excess as a contingency fund.
• The Rev. Wren Blessing noted the Robert Burns Supper has been postponed and that Nancy Crouse is organizing the 2025 St Patrick’s Day parade.
• St. Patrick’s annual meeting will be held in the sanctuary on Feb. 2, 2025 following the 10 am service.
Notes from our December 19, 2024 meeting:
The Vestry discussed our 2025 budget at length, and considered ministry funding requests.
Jr. Warden Ronnie VanAtta reminded everyone about the importance of locking the church doors.
The Rev. Wren Blessing noted the church’s top 3 goals for 2025:
o Build up lay leadership and strengthen existing ministries
o Expand St. Patrick’s practice of welcome and hospitality to people of all ages
o Deepen our local, regional, and international outreach relationships through prayer, presence, service, and giving.
Notes from our November 18, 2024 meeting:
• The vestry identified these goals for 2025: fellowship (meals, newcomers), building up leadership (facilities, fellowship, diocese), spiritual growth and formation, use of space (music, community use of facilities), community and international partnerships.
• Linda Williams highlighted some good things going on at St. Patrick’s: babysitting baby Clara, Thanksgiving dinner, new kitchen equipment, nativity pageant, woodbank, clothing giveaway, Sunday Night Unplugged, new way of managing ministry budget requests, and endowments.
• Larry Walton reviewed the Ministry Budget Request Form for 2025, which will be sent to ministry leaders.
Notes from our October 22, 2024 meeting:
• Bob Endres noted that there is a new bylaw template available from the diocese, and that we will update our bylaws, if necessary, when the template is received.
• Larry Walton, treasurer, noted that pledge revenue is still 11% below expected, while restricted contributions are over budget.
• Larry also noted that total payroll expenses are 17% under budget, while building maintenance and repairs remain over budget.
• The vestry expects to have a first draft of the 2025 budget to review in November, an adjusted budget to review in December, with final approval in January.
• Tony Aldwell is leading the new newcomer committee and updated the vestry on several ideas the committee has.
Notes from our September 19, 2024 Meeting:
• The vestry discussed an overview of space use, including possibilities on making a nursery in the upstairs space and using the parish hall foyer for Sunday School.
• Stewardship at St. Patrick’s: we want every member to contribute financially, to contribute their relational, practical, and visionary gifts to our parish community, and to use their gifts through our ministries to respond to needs of our neighbors.
• The youth will help with support tasks and clean up at St Luke’s in the Desert during the roofing project Oct 7-11.
• Convention delegates are Michelle Chapman, Wren Blessing, Linda Williams, and Andy Mylroie. Wendy McAllister will be attending as a deacon candidate.
[The Vestry did not meet in August, 2024]
Notes from our July 18 meeting:
• The parish hall bathroom renovation has been completed, and the changing tables have been installed.
• St. Patrick’s will be hosting the bishop and clergy for lunch on Aug. 8.
• There will be a workshop with Phil Brochard July 31, 2-5 pm, to engage with us around the connection between faith and context.
• St. Patrick’s will host the Heralds of Christmas concert on Dec. 8.
The Vestry met for a retreat and mutual ministry review in June, facilitated by the Rev. Canon Vanessa Stickler-Glass. Recommendations from the retreat are forthcoming.
Notes from our May 16 meeting:
• The parish hall blessing is June 23, and Linda Williams is looking for parishioner art to
display in the parish hall for this event.
• Solar lights for the parking lot median will be installed soon.
• Jenna Palensky, church administrator, will be out on maternity leave June 1 – September 1.
• There will be three fellowship suppers this summer.
• The vestry will be having their annual retreat on June 20.
Notes from our April 18 meeting:
• Archuleta Habitat for Humanity was not selected for an AmeriCorps team, so St Patrick’s will not be hosting a team in our parish hall this summer.
• Attic steps, shower, and changing tables will be installed starting the week of April 29.
• Parish campout will be Aug 12-14 at the Blanco River Group camp site.
• Blessing of the remodeled parish hall will be June 23 at 9:15.
• The vestry passed a motion to install a concrete sidewalk between the parking lot and the food pantry door.
Notes from our March 21, 2024 Meeting:
• The vestry reviewed the February 2024 balance sheet and noted that the large amount for building expenses will be reimbursed by capital building funds, and investments YTD are up nearly $12,000.
• Messy Church, an informal worship service in the parish hall incorporating art, music, storytelling, prayer, and a snack, will begin in April.
• Linda Williams will order a ping pong table for the youth (cost covered by donations).
• The vestry approved a motion to install a shower in the parish hall for crisis situations, and to install 2 changing tables in the church and 1 in the parish hall, to be paid out of the capital building fund.
Notes from our February 22, 2024 Meeting:
• Spaces in the Memorial Garden have been renumbered, and a letter will be sent to all owners explaining the change. In addition, the vestry approved a motion to increase the cost for a spot (for 2 people) to $250.
• Eight members of AmeriCorps working with Habitat for Humanity of Archuleta County will be staying in the St. Patrick’s parish hall from July 1 – August 6, 2024.
• The vestry approved a motion to fund and create access to the unused attic space above the restrooms.
• Linda Williams reminded the vestry of the unfinished dream of an outdoor pavilion. Anyone interested in participating on a committee to discuss further should contact her.
• Wren Blessing gave an update on the parish hall remodel: a rollup window is no longer in the plan, and the food pantry and kitchen are almost completed and ready for inspection.
Notes from our January 18, 2023 Meeting
• The Vestry reviewed and approved a 2024 budget.
• Sr. Warden Linda Williams thanked vestry members for agreeing to serve another year, recognized the achievements of the past year, and asked that the vestry find a way to articulate our vision for our mission in 2024 in the church, community and the world.
• The vestry approved and accepted two documents presented by the Endowment Committee: the Endowment and Investment Fund Enabling Resolutions and the Endowment and Investment Policy Statement.
• The Rev. Wren Blessing highlighted budget priorities and 2024 areas for growth,including service and outreach activities, formation and service programs, expandedmusic staff and funding, desire to fund and support fellowship, and incorporation of new members.
Notes from our December 14, 2023 Meeting
• We have received 63 pledges for 2024 totaling $259, 613.
• The senior warden noted the completion of the stewardship campaign, a delay in the Parish Hall renovation, and the continuing search for an organist and work on the budget, by-laws and endowment.
• The Rev. Wren Blessing handed out a list of things happening at St Patrick’s for the annual report and asked what the vestry wants to see for 2024. Some suggestions included more fellowship opportunities to get to know people who go to a different service, more events for the community, a refreshed music program, drawing in people that we serve from food pantry/wood ministry, multi-generational events with more people helping and more vestry support, and events with other churches.
• The vestry reviewed the proposed 2024 budget by month and as compared to last 4 years and made some preliminary revisions.
• The annual parish meeting will be held Feb. 4 at 11:30 in the nave.
Highlights from the November 15, 2023 Vestry Meeting:
● Twenty new spaces have been added to the Memorial Garden, as most of the original sites had already been committed.
● Parish hall renovation: Scott McAllister has taken over leadership, and because of a delay in permitting, construction will start in January.
● Current growth: 8 am attendance, participation in service activities, Memorial Garden expansion.
● Possibilities for new/renewed efforts: adult formation, youth and families, service partnerships, hospitality, choir/music offerings, activities that make us visible in the community.
● Foodbank now has a debit card in the office, so if someone needs to buy something, they can get the debit card from Jenna and return the card and receipts to Jenna.
Highlights from the October 19, 2023 Vestry Meeting
● North parish hall doors will be replaced in December, and south parish hall doors and north nave doors should be repaired in the next month.
● Wren Blessing noted that we will try to connect future newcomers’ gatherings with Sunday Night Unplugged.
● Budget planning for 2024: should assume little growth, utilize some of restricted funds including for outreach, will need some increases in funding due to inflation, ministry budget requests will be sent out to ministry leaders.
Highlights from August 17, 2023 Vestry Meeting:
• Todd Holman is working with Mountain Home Sound to replace hardware that was damaged by the lightning strike and to improve wireless access points.
St Patrick's will be cooking a community Thanksgiving meal at Centerpoint Church and serving a sit-down meal at the community center on Nov. 17.
Wren and Todd Holman attended an active shooter tabletop exercise at the hospital, and Wren will explore ideas about training for St Patrick's.
Wren and Heidi Tanner are working to find people to help with music until a permanent music person is hired.
P&L report: income and expenses are both more than the seasonally adjusted budget. Overage in expenses is mostly due to building and maintenance needs.
Convention delegates: Michelle Chapman, Linda Williams, Bob Endres, and alternate Linda Bennett. Wendy McAllister will also attend.
Highlights from June 22, 2023 Vestry Meeting:
· Wendy McAllister outlined the parish hall renovation proposal, scope and pricing for dedicated space for the food pantry. Added to the original pricing: expand dedicated entrance to allow new equipment to be moved, add same flooring as in kitchen, add new sanitizer. Total cost is $77,500. The vestry voted to begin the renovations following the Oct. 21 clothing giveaway.
· Safe Church training (online or in person) is required for staff members, vestry members, and individuals involved in ministry with children, youth, or vulnerable adults. Register here:
· Possible collaborations in the future: active shooter tabletop training exercise with PSMC, parish outing to see Godspell, offering lodging to 5 AmeriCorps Vista workers working on Pagosa Habitat Homes Aug 17-19.
· Dale Scrivener has resigned effective Aug. 20. We will be creating position descriptions for a short term and long term replacement. A reception for Dale will be held Aug. 20.
· The vestry approved an increase to Jenna Palensky’s hours for an additional 5 hours on Fridays.
· The vestry approved a motion to dedicate a common burial space behind the memorial garden.
Highlights from our May 18, 2023 meeting:
• Parish hall renovation: Wendy McAllister will present a final plan and estimate at the next vestry meeting. Demolition will begin after the clothing giveaway on October 21.
The Memorial Garden committee is working on completing the original plans and will be developing plans for the next phases.
St. Patrick's is emphasizing connection and recreation this summer. Some events to watch for: Sunday Night Unplugged July 9, Cookout for Young Families June 22, Baptism and Parish Picnic TBD, Camping Weekend TBD, Wisdom Wednesdays (June 21, July 9, and Aug. 16), Baking Circle TBD, and Simple Suppers TBD.
The value of our investments for last quarter has been adjusted and is up $30,000 this year.
Highlights from our April 20, 2023 meeting:
• The vestry will be reviewing the parish hall renovation plan and revised estimate at their next meeting.
Tinting of the upper windows on the south side of the sanctuary and exterior building staining will begin soon.
For the quarter, total income is 6% above budget, and total expenses are 2.5% below budget.
The 2023 vestry retreat will be held May 11 from 10 am - 3 pm.
Upcoming vestry meetings: May 18 at 1 pm and June 22 at 1 pm.
March 16, 2023: Highlights from our March 16 meeting:
• A vestry retreat will be held on May 11, from 10 am to 3 pm.
• Signatories have been changed on St. Patrick’s banking accounts and safe deposit box.
• The Junior Wardens will be working on roof issues, heating issues and window issues.
• The Finance Committee continues to make changes as recommended by the last audit.
• The Finance Committee will also develop a gift acceptance policy for the vestry to review.
February 15, 2023: Highlights from our Feb. 15 meeting:
• Wren asked vestry members, particularly incoming members, to consider what gifts they bring to St. Patrick’s and how can they apply these to their vestry work.
• The following items will likely need vestry attention in 2023: parish hall renovation, new parish hall, review of by-laws, establish hospitality ministry, expand the Memorial Garden, plan and execute the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, plan and execute the Clothing Drive in October, consider the future of ECW, maintenance of landscaping and roof, music conference possibilities.
• The Technology Committee needs more parish members to be qualified to operate the audio/visual equipment.
• The budget is currently in good shape, with income adequately covering expenses, and an increase of 20% in the operating account. The investment account suffered a loss of 20% due to overall market conditions during the past year.
January, 2023: Highlights from our Jan. 19 meeting:
St Patrick’s Day Parade is set for 11-1:30 on March 18, parade at 11:15.
Hospitality committee being formed: discussing hospitality as umbrella for newcomers, social, and welcoming.
Wren noted increasing stability of programs and gatherings; people are coming back to church, choir, other groups are growing.
In process of interviewing bookkeeper/administrator applicants.
Priority projects for Vestry consideration in 2023: plan to expand memorial garden, Parish Hall remodel, establish endowment committee, introduce administrative staff and updated systems, newcomer welcome and integration, program growth (music, children and youth, evening worship, etc.).
December, 2022: Highlights from our Dec. 15 meeting:
Wren explained changes in 8 am service with addition of music and more informal participation of congregation in a contemplative setting.
The vestry approved the 2023 budget.
The vestry will ask ministries to use a budget request form when requesting funds in 2023.
The annual meeting will be held Feb. 5 in the nave following the 10 am service.
November, 2022: Highlights from our Nov. 30 meeting:
ECW: working on several projects (coats for Bluff, Nazarene Compassionate Ministry, Habitat for Humanity) and will end year with ~$2500.
St. Christopher’s Mission: working on rectory, hope to have it ready in Feb, local teacher has students who would like to help.
Loaves and Fishes: successfully served 402 Thanksgiving meals with help of many volunteers
Food Pantry: received a grant through 2024 for meat and produce, will pick up in Durango once/month.
The 2023 preliminary budget was approved.
Staffing/personnel: Heidi to be hired as music director for 12 hrs./wk., Dale to be choirmaster/organist, a new bookkeeper/administrator will be hired.
October, 2022: Highlights from our Oct. 20 meeting:
The vestry reviewed first recommendations from our Mutual Ministry Review under the lens of the Gleicher-Dannemiller Forumula (Change = Dissatisfaction with the current state x vision for the future x first steps toward that future is greater than the system’s natural resistance to change) and will form a working group to review in more detail in 2023.
Next step of parish hall renovation is to develop a conceptual estimate, which will involve a contractor TBD.
YouthServe: met 3 times, 7 youth have participated, and Wren is identifying future projects.
Woodbank: 49 people participated (43 parishioners) and delivered 6 cords for Navajo elders and 3 cords for distribution at food pantry.
September, 2022: Highlights from our Sept. 15 meeting:
The Sanctuary window has been replaced, and tinting will begin soon.
Wren reviewed the process for planning an event. Vestry members have been assigned to fellowship groups.
All newspaper articles should go through Tony Aldwell.
St. Patrick’s will sponsor Loaves and Fishes for Thanksgiving on Nov. 17.
August, 2022: Highlights from our Aug. 18 meeting:
• The Newcomer’s Gathering will be held Friday, Aug. 19, at 5 pm at the Dorian’s home.
• Fourth Sunday Forum continues with Bishop Kym on Aug. 28 at 9:15. In addition to confirmations/receptions, service will include a Celebration of New Ministry.
• Loose plate cash collected on the Second Sunday of each month will be designated for the Rector’s Discretionary Fund.
July, 2022 Highlights from our July 21 meeting:
Our Junior Warden is working with local contractors on window repair and window tinting in the nave.
Wren is developing a communications plan for Vestry review as we work toward broader and more consistent
external communications.
The vestry is planning for and looking forward to Bishop Kym's visit on Aug. 28
Funds ($3,000) from the Dorothy K Reeves outreach fund were dedicated to outreach to children, youth, and families.
The vestry reviewed a preliminary concept for better utilizing our parish hall space.
June, 2022: Highlights from our June 16 vestry meeting:
• A committee has been formed to explore options for more efficient use of our parish hall.
• Wren is initiating a youth service group, with monthly opportunities for service.
• Fourth Sunday Forum, a time for parishioners from both services to share and learn, will begin on 7/24 at 9:15.
• Wren is working with a small pastoral care team to encourage parish members participate more fully in pastoral care.