Serve as a Guest Musician: During the season of Lent, we are exploring the gift of music at St. Patrick’s. We would love for you to contribute your gifts to our community’s worship as a guest musician. Contact Wren Blessing for more information

Style and Selections: We hope to highlight your style of music as part of our worship. Instrumental selections are welcome, as is vocal music. If your style is instrumental, we may have a small vocal ensemble lead one or two songs in addition to the ones you’ve selected (you would be invited to play along, but not expected to do so).

Dates & Timing: Please plan to arrive by 9:15am for sound check and set up. The service lasts from 10am – about 11:15am. 

Dates available include:
all Lent dates are currently scheduled with musicians, but please let us know if you’re interested in sharing music at some point in the future

Compensation: We are delighted to pay you or your group $250 for this service. Higher compensation for larger groups may be negotiable.


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