Food for Our Community

Food Pantry

The St. Patrick’s Food Pantry provides food boxes to 30-40 families every Thursday and Friday from 10:00 am to noon. Clients also receive fresh and frozen foods contributed by area grocery stores. 

The Food Pantry is funded through donations, fund raising projects, and grants. There are a number of jobs associated with running the Food Pantry: purchasing food, collecting donations from local grocery stores, packaging the boxes each week, and staffing the Food Pantry. Two or three people are scheduled for each shift.

To learn more about the St. Patrick’s food pantry, please contact Wendy McAllister for staffing the Food Pantry on Thursdays and Fridays or Wes Arrigetti for collecting donations.

Community Thanksgiving Meal


Loaves and Fishes has provided a weekly nutritious hot meal, free of charge to anyone who comes seeking nourishment and fellowship. While Loaves and Fishes is not currently operating, St. Patrick’s is delighted to prepare and serve an annual community Thanksgiving meal. Contact Nancy Crouse for more information.

Gardening Ministry


St. Patrick’s Gardening Ministry provides extra produce for the Food Pantry through our personal gardens, the Community Gardens, and the Community Grow Dome in Pagosa Springs by the River. Now that winter is coming, the outdoor gardens have been put to bed but the Grow Dome is thriving with winter crops! For more information or to get involved in the Gardening Ministry, contact Michelle Chapman.